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Modules Dependencies

Every module in a BOps flow can specify dependencies for it to be executed. Just declare what they are and Meta-System resolves them before the current module.

The mechanics of how this works is explained in the Flows page, at this section.

Dependencies Properties

In each module, the dependencies are an array of Objects that may contain the following properties:

  • "origin" - Required
  • "originPath" - Optional
  • "targetPath" - Optional


"origin" is a required field, and its value must be either a number, representing another module in the flow, or an item in the following ENUM:

  • "constants" - If the dependency comes from a constant declared in the same BOps.
  • "variables" - If the dependency is from a variable value.
  • "inputs" - If the dependency is from an input of the function.
  • "envs" - If the dependency is from an environment value set system-wide.

Origin Path

The "originPath" property specifies where in "origin" is the wanted value. This must be a string, more precisely, an object path (using dot notation) to the value in the module output. An example would be originPath: "resultProp.deep.object". This also supports array access, so you can access especific Items with square brackets like so: "resultProp.people[2].name", to access the third item of the people array.

When "origin" is a number, the path must either start with "result" for the function to be executed then to access the result object, or be "module" for the origin itself (and its sub dependencies) be passed forward as an argument.

Target Path

"targetPath" Is where Meta-System maps the output of "originPath" to. This property must be a string representing an object path (using dot notation) to map the result to. Likewise the "originPath", this supports square brackets to set properties of arrays, with the added functionality of using empty square brackets to push an item into the array at the last position.

Setting Dependency Type

As said in the dependencies section, there are two kinds, Functional and Normal.

To set a dependency as Functional, just omit "originPath" and "targetPath". The module will be executed, but its results will not be mapped. If you specify those two properties, the dependency will be Normal.