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If talking about extending MSYS functionality the Broker simply cannot be left behind, as It is responsible for creating an access layer for Meta-System internals and system data. It is only through the broker that an Addon can modify and interact with the system.

Separation of Data and Operations

Meta-System also uses the broker internally, never directly accessing the data. This keeps the data decoupled from the rest of the system, and makes adding new functionallity to MSYS a lot easier! 🎉


There's actually no big secret to the Broker's structure, it is an object in which every key reprents and entity category, and at the next level are the available operations for such entity as a function.

Example: broker.schemas.createSchema()

  • schemas Means the schemas of the system.
  • createSchema() Is an operation (action) to be executed in the system schemas.

Such structure is followed for every entity and operation in Meta-System.

In addition to the entities, the Broker also carries an additional done() function at the root of the object, which every addon must call at the end of its "configure" entrypoint function. This function configures the Addon's broker as ready for runtime, which means that any entity operation capable of modifying system behavior is removed from the Broker Object. This is done to ensure that Meta-System's behavior is consistent every time with a same set of system configurations before launching.

Entities, Actions and Permissions List​

As explained above, in the broker's entities we can use actions to interact with the system's data. However, in order to scope actions an Addon can do to a system, MSYS only populates entities and action that the Addon explicitly requests.

An Addon can do this by adding the entity and its permissions in the permissions array at its Meta-File. For info on how to write the permissions array, refer to this section.

Calling done()

As mentioned above, after calling done() on the broker, not all functions will be available. Check the "callable at runtime" value for knowing if the function keeps available after calling done().

Entity: Schemas - broker.schemas​

Broker category for the system's schemas. This linked page also contains the type for the Schemas. Refer to it for the the properties, as all actions under this entity uses it.

Action: Get Schema​

Gets schema by its identifier.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getSchemaget_schema ✔ .getSchema(identifier: String) => void

Action: Create Schema​

Creates a new Schema in the system.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
createSchemacreate_schema ✖ .createSchema(schema: Schema) => void

Action: Get All​

Gets all Schemas from the System.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAllget_all ✔ .getAll() => Schema[]

Action: Modify Schema​

Modifies a Schema in the System. The modified schema is selected by its identifier. Not allowed to use in runtime.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
modifySchemamodify_schema ✖ .modifySchema(schema: Schema) => void

Entity: Business Operations - broker.businessOperations​

This is the Broker category for the BOps. This linked page contains the types for the Business operation used in this entity's functions.

Action: Get BOp​

Gets a single business operation by its identifier.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getBopget_bop ✔ .getBop(identifier: string) => BusinessOperation

Action: Create BOp​

Inserts a new Business Operation in the System's configuration. Meta-System does not differentiate Addon-inserted BOps from user-configured ones, meaning that the inserted BOp will be built (Stitched) just like all the other configured ones.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
createBopcreate_bop ✖ .createBop(bop: BusinessOperation) => void

Action: Get All​

Gets all Business Operations from the System.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAllget_all ✔ .getAll() => BusinessOperation[]

Entity: Environment Values - broker.envs​

The Broker category for the Envs. This linked page contains the types for the Envs used in this Entity's actions.

Action: Get Env​

Gets a Env by its key.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getEnvget_env ✔ .getEnv(envKey: string) => Env

Action: Create Env​

Inserts a Environment value in the System's configuration.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
createEnvcreate_env ✖ .createEnv(env: Env) => void

Action: Get All​

Gets all Envs from the System.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAllget_all ✔ .getAll() => Env[]

Entity: Addons - broker.addons​

This refers to the system's addons entity in the Broker. This linked page contains the types for the Addons used in this Entity's actions.

Action: Get Addon​

Gets a Addon by its identifier.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAddonget_addon ✔ .getAddon(identifier: string) => Addon

Action: Create Addon​

Inserts a Addon into the System's configuration. Although available in the broker, this function is only used internally by Meta-System, and calling it in your Addon has no effect.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
createAddoncreate_addon ✖ .createAddon(addon: Addon) => void

Action: Get All​

Gets all Addons from the System.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAllget_all ✔ .getAll() => Addon[]

Entity: Schema Functions - broker.schemaFunctions​

This is the Broker section about the Schema Functions. Schemas by themselves have no function other than just being a known entity for your system. When adding a function to a schema, though, you enable operations to be done using that object format, sort of like adding methods to a class.

Some applications of Schema functions include:

  • Saving/Retrieving an entity in/from a Data Base
  • Computing a Value from a property in the Schema

Schema Functions does not necessarily need to receive an Schema as part of its input. If your function does so, however, it is recommended to leave the type as a cloudedObject (by the Object Definition). On later versions, MSYS will provide a custom type that will fill the appropriate schema type for you, so in the upcoming Meta-Editor (Meta-System's configuration graphical editor) users always have the correct type to use.

For this Section when MetaFunction type is mentioned, refer to this type:

type MetaFunction = {
description ?: string;
input : ObjectDefinition;
output : ObjectDefinition;
functionName : stirng;

Action: Set Schema Functions​

Sets an schema function to a single schema.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
setSchemaFunctionset_functions ✖ .setSchemaFunction(schemaIdentifier: string, func: Function, metaFunc: MetaFunction) => void

Action: Get Schema Functions​

Gets a schema function (the callable Function) from a schema.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getSchemaFunctionget_functions ✔ .getSchemaFunction(functionName: string, schemaIdentifier: string) => Function

Action: Preregister Schema Functions​

Declares only a function type for a Schema Function, leaving to set the callable function later, by using .setRegisteredSchemaFunction(). This is useful in cases where you cannot give the engine a callable function before your Addon is properly booted.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
preRegisterSchemaFunctionpreregister_functions ✖ .preRegisterSchemaFunction( schemaIdentifier: string, metaFunc: MetaFunction) => void

Action: Set Registered Schema Functions​

Sets a previously registered schema function.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
setRegisteredSchemaFunctionset_registered_functions ✔ .setRegisteredSchemaFunction( schemaIdentifier: string, functionName: string, func: Function) => void

Entity: Business Operation Functions - broker.bopFunctions​

This is the Broker section about Business Operation Functions. These are the callable functions that MSYS builds (stitches) from the system configuration input.

Action: Get BOp Function​

Gets a callable Business Operation Function from the System.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getBopFunctionget_function ✔ .getBopFunction(bopIdentifier: string) => Function

Action: Get All BOp Functions​

Gets all callable Business Operation Function from the System. Returns an array of the following type:

type FunctionEntity = {
description ?: string;
input : ObjectDefinition;
output : ObjectDefinition;
functionName : stirng;
identifier: String;
callable : Function;
NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAllget_all ✔ .getAll() => FunctionEntity[]

Action: Override BOp Call​

Replaces a built BOp with another function. Only affects future calls made to .getAll() and .getBopFunction(). The Stitching process is only affected if this is called during the "configure" Addon step.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
overrideBopCalloverride_call ✔ .overrideBopCall(bopIdentifier: string, func: Function, metaFunc: MetaFunction) => void

Action: Add Bop Call​

Adds a new Bop Function, as if MSYS has built it. Similar to the override action, only affects future calls made to .getAll() and .getBopFunction(). The Stitching process is only affected if this is called during the "configure" Addon step.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
addBopCalladd_function ✔ .addBopCall(bopIdentifier: string, func: Function, metaFunc: MetaFunction) => void

Entity: Addons Functions - broker.addonFunctions​

This section refers to the Addons Functions. They are functions available for every BOp to use, just like internal ones.

Action: Register Addon Function​

Adds a new Addon function into the system.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
registerregister ✖ .register(func: Function, metaFunc: MetaFunction) => void

Action: Get Addon Function​

Gets addons functions set by you.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getFunctionget ✔ .getFunction(functionName: string) => Function

Action: Get Others Addon Functions​

Get addons functions added by any addons. Requires knowing system-installed addons' identifiers.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAddonFunctiongetOthers ✔ .getAddonFunction(addonIdentifier, func: Function) => Function

Action: Get All Functions​

Gets in a list, all addons functions in the system. Returns an array of the following type:

type FunctionEntity = {
description ?: string;
input : ObjectDefinition;
output : ObjectDefinition;
functionName : stirng;
identifier: String;
callable : Function;
NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getAllgetAll ✖ .getAll() => FunctionEntity[]

Action: Get Functions From Identifier​

Gets all addons functions set by a specific addon. Also returns an array of FunctionEntity.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
getFromIdentifiergetFromIdentifier ✖ .getFromIdentifier(identifier: string) => FunctionEntity[]

Action: Preregister Addon Functions​

Declares only the function type for an Addon Function, leaving to set the callable function later, by using .setRegistered(). This is useful in cases where you cannot give the engine a callable function before your Addon is properly booted.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
preregisterpreregister ✖ .preregister(metaFunc: MetaFunction) => void

Action: Set Registered Addon Functions​

Sets a previously registered addon function.

NamePermissionCallable at RuntimeUsage
setRegisteredset_registered ✔ .setRegistered(functionName: string, func: Function) => void

Entity: Logger - broker.logger​

Meta-System makes available for all addons to leverage the built in logger, so you don't have to go console-logging your way. All logger actions are available both before and during runtime, and require no permissions. All functions accept anything as an arugment.

Available functions are:

  • fatal
  • success
  • operation
  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • debug